Runners of course…LOVE RUNNING. However, many runners DO NOT LOVE to strength train. Strength training can be a crucial part of a return to run program post-injury or postpartum. Hip and core strength is ESSENTIAL for running, however many runners lack strength in these areas. This can lead to repetitive injuries. Common running injuries include: “runner’s knee”, Achilles tendonitis, IT Band Syndrome, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, among other things. These can be seen in non-pregnant runners, pregnant runners and even postpartum runners who may be returning to pre-pregnancy mileage too quickly.

Running is of course an incredible form of endurance training, but can be so much more for some people. Running takes people out of their busy lives, gives them an outlet and can benefit your mental health in so many ways. So getting sidelined by an injury or having to work back up to your pre-pregnancy or pre-injury mileage can be difficult and frustrating to say the least.

Why does strength matter in running?

Core: A solid core can improve strength, speed and overall performance. It can also help with pressure management (not only pregnant and postpartum women experience urinary incontinence while running) and any deficits that may be present postpartum.

Hips: Strong hip muscles can help control hip drop and pelvic level, in addition to loading at the knee.

Calf/Ankle: A strong lower extremity will help manage high peak loads because ground reaction forces during a moderately paced run can be upwards of 1.6-3.9 times your bodyweight.

Appropriate strength in these areas can help with injury prevention and management of IT Band Syndrome, knee pain, shin splints and even pelvic floor dysfunction!

Wondering if you are having some strength deficits? Check out THIS SCREENING VIDEO to screen yourself at home!

Did you pass? If not, give us a call and we can talk about a plan to get you stronger!!!